Monday, November 3, 2014


This is my red sphere that I made in illustrator. I liked using illustrator better because it was easier and much faster. This was much easier to create in illustrator and a lot more detailed! I learned how to make a shadow and how to make it appear as if there were to be a light source shining on the sphere. I really enjoyed this! 

This is my red sphere that I made in photoshop, I really don't like photoshop but this wasn't that hard. I learned a lot that will help me in the future. I learned more shortcuts and new techniques that will make projects easier and faster. I also learned that spheres are in most everything i will do in graphic design and they are a vital part of the process!


  1. Oh but WAT did you learn? For full credit please refer to the assignments when making your reflective writing...and try not to make it sound like an assignment.
