Monday, May 18, 2015

Stella Dolls

We first started with finding the template that we wanted to use in order for it to do the things we wanted it to do. We needed it to be wide enough and tall enough for the "Stella" doll to fit inside. We really liked this template design because we could take advantage of all of the pages included in the template.
Next, we put our heads together to create a color pallet. Fearing that we would be too close to barbie we tried to steer clear of pink. We tried purple and greens and oranges and all sorts of colors but we werent satisfied with the colors. So, we ended up with pink. I really liked the color pallet we wound up with and I loved added the colors to the template, bringing it to life.
After finding the template and the color pallets we started on the design phase. We each designed our own ideas and then came together to pick our favorite one. This was the front package design that we went with. We all really liked the colors and the logo with each other. We went with stars to showcase "Stella" dolls personalities and personas. We tried to keep it interesting but simple, not wanting to overwhelm the consumer.

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